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Proprietary Trading Firm
Which Brokerage(s) Provide Live Trading on the CME?
What Happens When I Complete My Funding Evaluation?
What is the Withdrawal Policy?
What is the LiveSim®?
How am I Taxed When Trading the LiveSim® Account ?
What Costs Am I Responsible for Once I Become Funded with a Live/LiveSim® Account?Who is Responsible for Paying Data Fees When I Pass the Trader Career Path®/ Gauntlet Mini™?
I'm not an American/US Citizen, can I still get Funded?If you are not an American citizen you can still get funded
What is the Fee Structure on the Live or LiveSim® Accounts?
What is the Profit Split Between the Proprietary Trading Partner and the Professional Traders?
What is the Name of the Proprietary Trading Firm that Will Contact me After I Pass The Trader Career Path® or the Gauntlet Mini™?
Why do I have to pay for the LiveSim® once I pass the exam?
Can I Use My Own Data Feed?